The history of STACKFORCE GmbH began in 2002, when Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sikora from Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Lörrach founded the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Embedded Design and Networking (stzedn). Since then, the team around Prof. Dr. Sikora has been working on various projects in the field of embedded conectivity. In 2005, Prof. Dr. Sikora additionally founded the Steinbeis Research Institute for Wireless Communication (sfidk) and in 2007, the Steinbeis Innovation Center for Embedded Design and Networking (sizedn) to also work on research projects.
In 2011 there was an important change. Prof. Dr. Sikora joined Offenburg University of Applied Sciences . Based on that step, the research projects were shifted to his team at the University Offenburg and the stzedn finally turned into a completely autonomous entity for design services and engineering. The next logical step was to found an independent company to offer embedded connectivity solutions: STACKFORCE GmbH was born.
Unterstützt vom stzedn
wird das Lörracher
IT-Seminar gegründet,
welches nun Mitglied
von phaenovum ist.
Das Steinbeis
wird gegründet (sfidk)
Der emBetter
Protocol Stack
wird auf SSL/
TLS1.1 verbessert.
stzedn tritt der
M2M Alliance bei
Das Steinbeis
wird gegründet (sizedn).
stzedn tritt der
EnOcean Alliance bei
stzedn gewinnt den
M2M Award für seine
„TLS-to everyting“
Erfindungin der
Kathegorie Innovation
sizedn darf an der
Ko-FAS Initiative
teilnehmen, die größte
deutsche Initiative
für autonomes Fahren
stzedn bringt die erste
Version des Wireless M-Bus
Protokoll Stack heraus
(EN 13757-4).
tritt der OMS Group bei
Texas Instruments
lizensiert den
Wireless M-Bus
Protokoll Stack stzedn
stzedn und der Partner
Phywe Systeme GmbH & Co KG
gewinnen den Steinbeis
Gründungs und Transferpreis,
den Löhn Award
tritt der LoRa Alliance bei
tritt dem Partner
Netzwerk SIGFOX bei
Die W-MBus-to-LPWAN Bridge
erhält die Best-of Bezeichnung
der Initiative Mittelstand
wird gegründet.
STACKFORCE eröffnet einen
weiteren Standort in Offenburg
Der Hauptsitz zieht in den
Gewerbepark Eschbach
Gründung des
Steinbeis Transfer Center
für Embedded Design
and Networking (stzedn)
stzedn entwickelt
den emBetter, einenTCP/IPv4
protocol stack mit inkludiertem
web server (http) und vielen
zusätzlichen Bestandteilen,
z.B. stmp client,
embetter management
und confguration suite (emcs).
Steinbeis Transfer Center for Embedded
Design and Networking (stzedn)
is founded.
The IT-Seminar Lörrach is launched,
supported by the stzedn, and
is now part of phaenovum .
The Steinbeis Research Institute for
Wireless Communication (sfidk)
is founded .
The emBetter protocol stack is
enhanced by SSL/TLS1.1 .
Steinbeis Innovation Center for
Embedded Design and Networking
(sizedn) is founded .
stzedn joins the EnOcean Alliance
as an associate member.
sizedn is invited to participate
in Ko-FAS initiative, the
largest German initiative for
cooperative driving .
stzedn launches its first version
of its wireless M-Bus protocol
stack (EN 13757-4) .
stzedn and its partner Phywe
Systeme GmbH & Co KG are
awarded with the Steinbeis
Foundation’s transfer award
- the Löhn Award .
STACKFORCE GmbH is founded!
STACKFORCE joins LoRa Alliance .
STACKFORCE joins partner
network of Sigfox .
Wireless M-Bus to LPWAN
Bridge has been awarded as
"Best of" Communication by
Initiative Mittelstand .
STACKFORCE creates subsidiary
in Offenburg.
STACKFORCE is founding member
of mioty Alliance .
Headquarter moved to
business park Eschbach.
stzedn proudly presents the emBetter,
an TCP/IPv4 protocol stack with HTTP,
SMTP, TLS, … for microcontrollers.
stzedn joins M2M Alliance .
stzedn wins the M2M Award in the
category Innovation for its TLS-to-
everything approach.
stzedn joins OMS Group .
Texas Instruments licenses the
wireless M-Bus protocol stack from
STACKFORCE partners with
Diehl Metering to accelerate
IoT opportunities in metering.
STACKFORCE partners with Diehl Metering to accelerate IoT opportunities in metering.
Headquarter moved to business park Eschbach.
STACKFORCE creates subsidiary in Offenburg.
STACKFORCE joins partner network of Sigfox .
STACKFORCE GmbH is founded!
stzedn and its partner Phywe Systeme GmbH & Co KG are awarded with the Steinbeis Foundation’s transfer award - the Löhn Award.
Texas Instruments licenses the Wireless M-Bus Protocol Stack from stzedn.
stzedn joins OMS Group .
stzedn launches its first version of its Wireless M-Bus Protocol Stack (EN 13757-4).
sizedn is invited to participate in Ko-FAS initiative, the largest German initiative for cooperative driving.
stzedn wins the M2M Award in the category Innovation for its TLS-to-everything approach.
stzedn joins the EnOcean Alliance as an associate member.
Steinbeis Innovation Center for Embedded Design and Networking (sizedn) is founded.
stzedn joins M2M Alliance.
The emBetter Protocol Stack is enhanced by SSL/TLS1.1.
The Steinbeis Research Institute for Wireless Communication (sfidk) is founded.
The IT-Seminar Lörrach is launched, supported by the stzedn, and is now part of phaenovum .
stzedn proudly presents the emBetter, an TCP/IPv4 protocol stack with HTTP, SMTP, TLS, … for microcontrollers.
Steinbeis Transfer Center for Embedded Design and Networking (stzedn) is founded.