The German funding project KI-MUSIK-4.0 (joint project: micro electronical based universal sensor interface with artificial intelligence for Industry 4.0) addresses the development and realization of autonomous, highly integrated multi-sensor systems with real-time data and information processing based on the methods of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This project aims to be a significant contribution for Industry 4.0, especially regarding the increase of efficiency, flexibility and autonomy of production facilities, the consistent digitalization and the predictive maintenance. The key topics of this this project are the development and realization of modern sensor concepts and the development of scalable methods of machine learning, to ensure the needed robustness, reliability and energy efficiency of sensor systems at real-time conditions for manifold use cases at best. This includes the development and realization of micro electronical hardware components for evaluation and processing of signals and for communication, same as the implementation of adequate hardware and software co-design concepts. The planned demonstration and testing in real production processes by industrial partners is a necessary condition for the immediate usability of the project results.
We at STACKFORCE are proud to be part of KI-MUSIK-4.0 right from the start and therefore to support the project with our knowledge and abilities in order to take the next step towards Industry 4.0.
KI-MUSIK-4.0 is structured in nine work packages as shown in the figure below. STACKFORCE is practically part of all of them, starting with the application analysis, going on with the specification of and collaboration at the implementations up to integration and verification of the aspects of the network management.

The subprojects of STACKFORCE to KI-MUSIK-4.0 mainly contribute to the following topics:
- new hardware concepts, circuits and systems, optimized for the exchange of AI and ML data and methods
- AI based intelligent network management regarding various wireless communication technologies
Therefore, together with the other project partners, STACKFORCE contributes to the following objectives of KI-MUSIK-4.0:
- increase of autonomy of production facilities
- predictive maintenance of production facilities and optimized monitoring of industrial processes
- increase of energy efficiency of sensor systems up to energy autarky
An AI based, intelligent network management is designed, implemented and evaluated as central funcitonal component in the subproject of STACKFORCE. For this purpose, the requirements for the necessary communication protocols resulting from the different AI oriented applications are analyzed. These are implemented and integrated in order to then set up the intelligent and efficient unified network management, which enables the continuous management of the heterogeneous sub-technologies. This network management aims to not only take the tasks of managing the data stream, but also of the secure management of communication and energy optimization for the individual network components, so that potentially even self-sufficient systems can be used.
Additionally to the direct results for software and concepts, STACKFORCE wants to expand its standard portfolio of communication and security solutions and products with the experience gained in this project and a precise understanding of the requirements of AI in industry and Industry 4.0 applications. This would increase our abilities to investigate into the development of own AI based products and therefore enhance our offer of modern, efficient and optimized communication solutions for customized industrial projects and products.
Any Questions?
If there are any questions regarding our contribution to the KI-MUSIK-4.0 project, don't hesitate to