LoRaWAN® Application Protocols v1.0.0


LoRaWAN Application Protocols

Key Features

software documentation

Stack-independent, industrialized library for LoRaWAN® FUOTA – e.g. usable with LoRaMac-node

single interface

The APL module unifies 3 core modules, enabling the FUOTA process to be  executed through a single interface

software documentation

Extensive Documentation
for seamless integration and optimal
product utilization

fragmentation session

Support of one fragmentation
session at a time

Details of the ModuLE

The FUOTA module group is composed of three core modules based on their respective specifications:

  • Clock Synchronization
  • Multicast Setup
  • Fragmentation

In addition to these core modules, the FUOTA module group includes two supplementary components:

  • APL Module: It accesses the 3 main modules and combines them in such a way that the FUOTA process can only be executed via a single interface.
  • Connector Module: Acts as a bridge between application logic and stack-specific parameters, ensuring the portability of FUOTA modules across different LoRaWAN stacks.

This modular and portable design ensures flexibility and ease of integration, making FUOTA implementation efficient and adaptable to various IoT environments.

Technical Information

Technical Specifications

Supported Specifications

  • TS003-1.0.0: LoRaWAN® Application Layer Clock Synchronization v1.0.0
  • TS004-1.0.0: LoRaWAN® Fragmented Data Block Transport v1.0.0
  • TS005-1.0.0: LoRaWAN® Remote Multicast Setup Specification v1.0.0

Reference Hardware

  • Cortex-M4

Memory Requirements


Values based on Cortex-M4. The actual footprint may vary considerably depending on the configuration of the FUOTA session. 

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Commercial Features

First level Support

Software Support

High quality product

Software availability

Easy comissioning & configuration

software configuration

Warranty & maintenance

warranty and maintenance

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