Test Gateway
The wireless M-Bus Test Gateway is an interactive analysis, monitoring, and data logging tool for automated (long-term) testing. It enables visualization and analysis of radio messages transmitted according to Wireless M-Bus specification (EN 13757). It is intended to support testing and monitoring of Wireless M-Bus transmitting devices, such as meters and data concentrators, that are
- under development,
- in production, or
- require in-field analysis.
The Test Gateway is suitable not only for performing automated tests during the production test phase, but for implementing long-term tests during actual operation which is a decisive advantage.

Network Structure

User Interfaces
Web Interface
- Standalone web-interface for easy configuration
- Optional:
- Web-interface providing telegram and sequence visualization
- Centralized management of multiple Test Gateways
MQTT Interface
for automted (long-term) testing:
- any output by the Wireless M-Bus Test Gateway will be formatted as JSON objects
- MQTT can also be used for configuration of the Test Gateway

Fully automated production tests
Compliance validation and robustness tests
e.g. during development
Monitoring and Logging
of wM-Bus traffic, e.g. for duration tests, field analysis, ...
of wM-Bus synchronous transmissions
- of wM-Bus payload compliant to EN 13757-3 2013
- of wM-Bus frames compliant to EN 13757-3/4/7 2019
of radio messages compliant to EN13757-4 2019
Standalone web-interface for easy configuration
of wM-Bus frames for encryption modes 5 and 7 compliant to EN 13757-7 2019
MQTT data interface
for easy and automated exchange including configuration
Commercial Features
- First level support
- Easy commissioning and configuration
- Warranty and maintenance
- Ensures a high quality product