Connecting your physical world!
From technical point of view, Sigfox is a wireless ultra narrow band communication solution with strong focus on energy efficiency rather than bandwidth increase.
From commercial point of view, Sigfox is a company that is developing and operating the whole network, except for the end devices. That means, anyone can create an end device and connect it to an application quite easy and very cheap. Sigfox takes care of the whole data transport and will only charge a tiny fee this.
sigfox At a Glance
- Operating in the ISM bands (868 / 915 MHz)
- Data rate of either 100 or 600 Bits/s
- Range of 30 to 50 km for rural and 3 to 10 km for urban areas
- Maximum payload of 12 Bytes per message
- Maximum count of 140 messages per day
- Bidirectional communication possible on demand
The Sigfox partner Network
Since 2017, we have been part of the Sigfox Partner Network and offer our products and services for IoT projects using Sigfox technology. Through the partner network, we as a technology company can exchange ideas and support you in the best possible way in your IoT project with Sigfox.

Why STACKFORCE for Sigfox
- We have a long-term experience in the development and implementation of LPWAN technologies.
- We are a Sigfox Partner since 2017 and therefore are able to provide our professional services regarding this technology.
Consulting & Support
We provide Sigfox related consulting and support in collecting the correct requirements for proper application integration, in solving any design issue for the most efficient use of the Sigfox network and for the assessment and provision of related / required components.
Development & Solutions
We are able to provide the development service to integrate a radio chip into your product and enable Sigfox for your product, including certification.
Furthermore we provide a plug & play module that is Sigfox-ready and can connect to the network out-of-the-box.
And we can provide a complete solution including the cloud application to access and even visualize your data.
Tell us your challenge
Our Sigfox related products

Our Multi-Stacks offer the possibility to choose between several stacks and radio standards, such as mioty®, LoRaWAN®, wireless M-Bus, OMS, Sigfox and others. This flexible solution allows you to achieve maximum usability when you connect your product to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Each technology has its special properties and advantages, so it can be useful or even necessary to combine several communication technologies in the same system. The Integration Kit offers a simple and effective solution for handling all of them in just one network.

The Wireless M-Bus-to-LPWAN Bridge is a communication device which transmits wireless M-Bus meter data to your own Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) by using mainly mioty®, LoRaWAN® or Sigfox. Therefore your wireless M-Bus metering network is enhanced to communicate over long distances via modern LPWAN technologies.