mioty Plugfest

To kick off the new week, we're off to Bavaria, more specifically to the Fraunhofer Research Campus in Waischenfeld, as the mioty® PlugFest is taking place there on Monday and Tuesday (September 19-20). CEO David Rahusen will be attending the event with our Team Manager R&D on behalf of STACKFORCE.

Goal of the event is to bring together alliance members who will conduct joint interoperability tests with the various mioty® solutions. Through contact with potential customers, specific needs will be identified and need-based solutions will be worked on together.

We look forward to networking with the alliance members and discussing various topics related to the mioty® IoT solution. We will surely come back with information that we can use to further improve our mioty® Stack!

PlugFest Review

After two exciting days at the mioty PlugFest, it felt a bit like coming home from a "mioty playground". We had the chance to network our mioty Stack with the solutions of our partners of the mioty Alliance. Several times we formed the chain from sensor via base station to backend testing the interoperability of the different solutions. 


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