It all started in 2002, when Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora founded the Steinbeis Transfer Center (stzedn) for Design and Networking. This was followed in 2005 by the Steinbeis Research Institute for Wireless Communication (sfidk) and in 2007 by the Steinbeis Innovation Center for Embedded Design and Networking (sizedn). In 2011, Prof. Dr. Sikora moved to the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. The research institute was separated from the transfer center in terms of tasks and space. The stzedn became an autonomous institution for design services and engineering services, resulting in today's STACKFORCE GmbH. With the accumulated knowledge from the research center, STACKFORCE took over the implementation of individual customer projects and research could be continued within the research institute. 

Important milestones

The most important stage, which made it possible to develop solutions for device manufacturers, was reached in 2010. In that year, the Wireless M-Bus stack was successfully licensed to Texas Instruments - our first licensee. Another next important milestone was the assignment from Semtech, which enabled us to develop and maintain the official LoRaWAN stack for end nodes in 2015 , as well as the invitation to become a founding member of the mioty alliance in 2020. As a small company, we are very proud of these milestones already achieved. 

STACKFORCE's main goal is to provide device manufacturers and integrators with knowledge about the successful integration, adaptation and application of wireless technologies. This can be done in the form of a development or consulting project but even easier this knowledge can be acquired via standard software and products. In a short interview with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora, you can learn more about the milestones and what STACKFORCE stands for as a company.

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