
Enlit Europe Logo

Date: 22 - 24 October, 2024
Location: Fiera Milano di Rho, Milan, Italy
OMS® Group booth: Hall 6, B60

STACKFORCE will be represented with its OMS® / wM-Bus products on the OMS® Group booth.

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24 Jun 2024, 11:48
On June 19 and 20, STACKFORCE proudly participated in the LoRaWAN® Live event held in Munich. Representing us was Mario Behringer, our Senior Application Engineer & Product Manager, who engaged with attendees and showcased our latest advancements.
27 Feb 2024, 09:00
With the release of our newest member of our dual stack family, we are expanding our product portfolio in the area of multi stacks. This dual stack for end-points is a high-performance solution that enables specified communication with the latest OMS® v4 and TR06 specification. OMS® over LoRaWAN® defines how OMS®-compliant data packets can be exchanged bidirectionally via LoRaWAN®.
31 May 2023, 06:00
For almost 10 years we are an independent provider of protocol stacks and development services around embeddedsoftware and wireless communication for small devices. Through strategic partnerships, we are working further to expand our position in the market with our standard products to offer our customers a broader range of "off-the-shelf" products. With the expansion of the STACKFORCE product range for standard stacks, we can offer connectivity more cost-effectively and faster overall.
28 Feb 2023, 10:16
The Internet of Things (IoT) has as its basic concept to connect many different devices via the Internet so that data exchange can take place. Due to increasing automatization, networked devices are already being used in all sectors. They can be found in industry, agriculture, healthcare, private households and many other areas. What role does embedded software play here and what challenges must be mastered in software development?
12 Oct 2022, 11:10
Flexibility and quick reaction are key elements for modern and efficient IoT networks. Depending on infrastructure conditions and network coverage, one technology is not enough to run an IoT network efficiently. So, another solution is needed! Within a multi-stack, several communication technologies are combined for wireless data transmission. In this way, stacks can be selected to suit the use case. Once set up, the various protocols can be individually controlled during operation.
11 Jul 2022, 12:11
The agriculture sector is increasingly engaged in digitizing processes that are cumbersome and time-consuming to implement manually. In our use case, we focused on Smart Dairy Farming. In our video, we show how digitization can work in agriculture and how exactly Protocol Stacks from STACKFORCE can support this. The use case illustrates the benefits for the end user of networking devices on the farm.
15 Jun 2022, 08:37
The LoRaWAN® Stack is an ideal solution to equip devices in complex environments to communicate with wireless technology. In part 1 of our article, we covered the LoRaWAN® Stack features, the specifics of the STACKFORCE Stack compared to the open source variant, and the Protocol Stack Package. In part 2 of the article, we provide insight into the appropriate hardware that can be used to enable devices to communicate with LoRaWAN® and the options for certifying LoRaWAN® products.
2 Jun 2022, 08:42
The semiconductor shortage is currently being felt in many industries. However, opinions vary widely on the duration of the existing problem. Read the article to learn how to add IoT connectivity to your devices despite the chip shortage.
19 May 2022, 11:37
You have already dealt with the topic of LoRaWAN®, but do not yet have a clear idea of whether the open-source components are sufficient for your needs? STACKFORCE's LoRaWAN® Protocol Stack is an advanced evolution of the open-source LoRaWAN® Stack. Read more about the stack features, implemented standards and the advantages of the STACKFORCE Stack compared to the open-source variant in the article.
20 Apr 2022, 10:00
LoRaWAN® is a promising technology for long-range radio networks, transporting small amounts of data over long distances. The application scenarios range from small integrations such as monitoring a “milk can” to large industrial plants with extensive monitoring of the entire plant. With a recognized standard and extensive networks, projects with LoRaWAN® can be realized almost anywhere in the world.

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