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embedded world 2025

Date: 11 - 13 March 2025
Location: Nuremberg Messe
Booth: 4-147

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19 Oct 2021, 11:19
From 19th to 20th October 2021 SECREDAS final project conference is taking place in the Netherlands. Managing Director David Rahusen and Tobias Reich, one of our junior developers, are on site for STACKFORCE showing results of the project participation.
28 Sept 2021, 11:37
Whether in the areas of smart metering, smart farming, smart industry, smart city or smart home – every company will sooner or later deal with the subject of digitalization. With our software solutions (Protocol Stacks), we aim to drive digital transformation for companies of all sizes and industries, and with our standard products we enable a simple and convenient introduction to equip your IoT network with connectivity.
20 Jul 2021, 10:17
Increasing digitalization is leading to a turning point in the energy industry. Public utilities, water and energy suppliers are facing greater challenges. Not only rising energy prices, scarcity of resources and growing environmental awareness on the part of consumers are driving a transformation, but the legal framework is also changing to more sustainability and transparency. Smart solutions are needed in many areas that make processes more efficient and ensure greater economic efficiency.
15 Apr 2021, 12:04
Digitalization is also becoming an increasingly important part of agriculture. On-farm processes are to be made more efficient and simpler by means of intelligent systems. Smart Farming means intelligent communication and networking of devices, machines, and systems.
9 Apr 2021, 16:48
Patrick Weber, Principal Engineer at STACKFORCE, has written an informative article in "Elektronik" about how sensor manufacturers can use the LPWAN wireless technology mioty® for their products. So, what is it that needs to be considered?
4 Mar 2021, 14:56
LPWAN technologies are the means of choice when it comes to the cost-effective deployment of a large number of low-energy devices in a comprehensive range of products. The most common representatives of this technology approach are LoRaWAN®, mioty® and Sigfox. All three are united by the low-power, long-lasting battery operation of simple sensors over a long range.
10 Dec 2020, 13:46
STACKFORCE and badenova subsidiary E-MAKS made another promising step to industry 4.0. In a joint project a solution for the digitalization of data transmission of shaft water meters has been developed and tested over the past months. The result was very successful and can be extended to many other use cases in the future.
5 Nov 2020, 12:43
STACKFORCE will be part of the digital event Wireless Congress 2020: Systems & Applications. David Rahusen, managing director at STACKFORCE, will provide some insight on benefits and challenges about “Multi-Protocol Solutions for LPWAN” on 11 November 2020 14:35 – 14:55.
14 Oct 2020, 08:39
The popular LoRaWAN® stack is available as open source – So why should I spent money for it? Here are five answers to this very good question!
7 Oct 2020, 11:11
The founder of STACKFORCE, Dr. Prof. Axel Sikora, who is scientific director of Offenburg university Institute for reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics (evESK), just gave an interview. He discusses about actual trends and the current development regarding LoRaWAN® and its significance for the Internet of Things, where STACKFORCE is situated in between.

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